Washington ChildCare Preschool Centers
We provide local listings of preschools and childcare centers in Washington. Continue below to search the list of local childcare centers in Washington. We have also listed the top cities in Washington on the right side of the page.
A Guide for Parents in Seattle, Washington in Search of Childcare or Preschools
Navigating the world of childcare and preschool in Seattle, Washington can be an overwhelming, yet rewarding task if you know the right path to tread. This guide will provide you with helpful information to choose the best childcare or preschool for your child, including state-subsidized options.Searching for Childcare in Seattle
Finding good childcare revolves around considering your child's needs, the quality of care provided, and the associated costs. There are several resources that can help you in this search. Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) maintains a list of licensed childcare providers in Seattle that you can browse. Additionally, Child Care Resources, a Seattle-based non-profit, can offer referrals and direct you to local resources.Seattle Preschool Programs
Preschool is also an important part of early childhood learning in Seattle. The Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) is a city-funded early education initiative that provides high-quality, affordable preschool programs for Seattle children. These programs are either free or at a dramatically reduced cost, based on your family's income. A complete list of participating Seattle Preschool Programs can be found on the City of Seattle’s website.Subsidized Childcare Programs
Childcare costs can account for a sizeable portion of a family’s budget. Thankfully, Washington State offers several subsidized childcare programs that parents can take advantage of:- Working Connections Child Care (WCCC), a program provided by Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, helps low-income families in paying for childcare. To qualify for WCCC, parents must be working, searching for employment or in a training program.
- Seattle has its Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). This program aids families in paying for childcare for kids aged one month to 13 years. Supported by the Human Services Department, CCAP provides financial aid depending on a family’s income and size, as well as the age of the child.
- Head Start and Early Head Start are federally funded programs designed to promote school readiness for low-income children from birth to age five. These comprehensive programs offer education, health and social services.
Additional Tips for Choosing Childcare or Preschool in Seattle
Before making a final decision, it is essential that you and your child visit the childcare center or preschool. Observe the teachers interact with other children, note the cleanliness and safety measures in place, and ensure a nurturing environment for your child. Remember to check the staff’s qualifications and experience. It is recommended to start your search early as there could be waiting lists for popular providers or programs. Lastly, always stay engaged and maintain regular interactions with your childcare provider: your involvement is crucial to your child's success. Choosing the right childcare or preschool in Seattle may be a complex process, but with these resources and guidelines, you can feel more equipped to make informed decisions that best serve your child’s needs.