Little Hands Home Daycare & Preschool
Little Hands Home Daycare & Preschool
- 10212 Somerset Lane Huntley, IL - 60142
Our child care program utilizes an early learning program that was designed for preschoolers to help create an enthusiasm for learning and build school readiness skills for Kindergarten. The program incorporates the Illinois Early Learning Standards for Pre-K and offers the children new topics of study throughout the year. Research shows that children learn best by playing and they need many opportunities to explore. We focus on child-led activities in small groups at our various learning centers in the classrooms. Our program also integrates Montessori philosophies that are based on hands-on materials for literacy skills, early math skills, self-dressing, and sensory activities. Our program will foster creativity, as well as promote cognitive, social, and physical development.
Note: Rates published on this website are subject to change by the child care and preschool centers. Please call for current rates.
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