Just Kids Early Care & Education Centers
Just Kids Early Care & Education Centers
- 1800 West First Street (309) 787-1321 - Just Kids II School-Age Milan, IL - 61264
JUST KIDS EARLY CARE & EDUCATION CENTERS, a United Way partner agency, operates three licensed and nationally accredited child care centers: the Just Kids Main Building, the Just Kids II School-Age Program, and Just Kids @ Xpac. These facilities provide early childhood education services, preschool programs, and before and after-school care to Quad City area families. The preschool program provides an opportunity for children ages 3-5 to attend enhanced preschool classes with specially-trained, certified teachers. A standards-based curriculum focusing on the strengths and needs of each child is implemented. Preschoolers are also screened to assess needs for additional support services such as speech or physical therapy. Before and after-school care, as well as care on school days out, is provided for school-aged children at Just Kids II. Parents of children attending Thomas Jefferson or Ridgewood Elementary are able to contract with Johannes Bus Service for transportation between the school and Just Kids II. All children enrolled at Just Kids are provided breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. A developmentally-appropriate educational program is a part of the daily schedule for every child enrolled at Just Kids.
Hours: Monday-Friday 5:45am-5:30pm, Infant/Toddler Rooms open Monday-Friday
Note: Rates published on this website are subject to change by the child care and preschool centers. Please call for current rates.
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