Discovery Center Preschool Berlin
Discovery Center Preschool Berlin
- 103 Hotchkiss St Berlin, CT - 06037
Preschool. Hours: 7am - 6pm. 80 student capacity
At Discovery Center, your child\'s safety is our first priority. When you leave your child with us, we understand the magnitude of your decision and strive to give you the peace of mind that the right one was made. Second to this, our goal is to appropriately educate and help your child to learn how to problem solve and celebrate his/her individuality. To achieve all of the above, we must ensure the child feels happy, loved and secure while apart from their parents. We are confident that we have carefully chosen a staff that shares our goals, and respects our objectives while working here at Discovery Center. Our first requirement is to love children, and that is evident when you visit us.
We run a graduated program from the pebble room up. It begins and ends with the Ct. Preschool Benchmarks.
These are stepping stones that envelop all areas of learning including; personal, social, physical, cognitive, and creative
expression. The Pebble room (1-2yrs) uses rhyming and lots of language along with books and music to stimulate learning while
playing. The Nugget room (2-3yrs) steps it up a bit by using their names everywhere and introducing playful and artistic ways to
learn and use letters and numbers. The Cloud Hopper room (3-4yrs) introduces many new vocabulary words and lots of thinking skills. Each center is rich with learning materials and teacher instruction is increased. The curriculum focuses on a letter each week, and more number games as the teachers incorporate this in a fun lesson plan. Finally, when the child reaches the Rainbow room, (4-5yrs) we have an intensive pre-kindergarten program using the Ct. Benchmarks as the basis for all of the plans. This guide helps the teacher to know all areas and levels necessary for kindergarten. It is a wonderful tool and is used to assess at certain times in the year to see where the children are and where they need to be.
Hours: 7 Days A Week Daily Everyday;
Note: Rates published on this website are subject to change by the child care and preschool centers. Please call for current rates.
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