Children's Discovery Academy

Children's Discovery Academy

Children's Discovery Academy
  • 3665 Talmage Circle Vadnais Heights, MN - 55110


Childrens Discovery Academy of Early Learning was founded in 1981 as Little Canada Day Care. The original owners, Barb and Tom Krejci, started the program because they themselves were looking for child care and could not find a program they would have trusted with their children. Being good business people and concerned parents, they knew they could create a program that was high quality, safe, welcoming and also a great educational environment for the children in their care. They immediately hired a person with an education background to run the programs and the rest is history. The program was opened with one preschool room and continued expanding as the need arose. Within the first 6 months, a second preschool room and a toddler room were added. By 1984, parents were expressing a need for more then the traditional half day Kindergarten the public schools were offering and our whole day kindergarten program was created. As the needs of our parents changed, so have we. In 1990 our second location in Vadnais Heights was opened and our name was changed to Childrens Discovery Academy. Today, Childrens Discovery Academy has two centers each with individual self contained classrooms for infant, toddler, preschool, prekindergarten, Kindergarten (Little Canada location only) and school age children. We have developed a curriculum for each age group, which compiles the best of a variety of teaching curriculum to insure your child is being given an opportunity to learn in a style that best suits his/her learning style. Our well educated, long term teachers create monthly calendars outlining the weekly themes which are developmentally appropriate for each group of children and pertains to the interests in each classroom. This is our secret to keeping learning fun and productive. No boxed curriculum could ever compete with the years of experience our very talented teachers offer. Childrens Discovery Academy continues to be a family owned educational child care center which prides itself on the wonderful families it serves and doing everything possible to meet the changing needs of the families in our care. Come in today to "Discover the Difference."


Note: Rates published on this website are subject to change by the child care and preschool centers. Please call for current rates.

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