CEDA, Community Service Center, Neighbors at Work
CEDA, Community Service Center, Neighbors at Work
- 1229 Emerson St Evanston, IL - 60201-3524
Offers a wide range of services for individuals and families. Services include child care, senior, emergency, housing, health and nutrition, education, and supportive small business services. Child and Family Development Head Start Programs and Early Head Start are comprehensive and provide parent development skills, employment training skills, family needs assessments, counseling, and community referrals. Full day and full year childcare and before and afterschool day care are also offered. Senior Services Services include community-based group meals, home delivered meals, advocacy, outreach services, in-depth counseling, and crisis intervention. Emergency Services Transitional housing, emergency shelter, utility assistance, rent and mortgage payment, and food vouchers are provided. Housing Services Home Weatherization program offers homeowners and renters services to increase energy efficiency, reduce lead paint hazards, reduce mold and moisture, and others. Advice, assistance, and information and referral are available for both tenants and property owners. CEDA seeks to improve housing conditions and increase the availability of affordable housing. Health and Nutrition services Offers WIC which provides nutrition education and supplemental food to pregnant women or women with young children. Promotes breastfeeding and provides education and support. CEDA also provides meals to children during the summer months. Education Services Offers a counseling, tutoring and mentoring program for youth ages 11-27 who are no longer in a formal education system due to misdemeanors or minor felonies; an annual scholarship for undergraduates; and employment, training, and placement services. Economic Development Assistance is granted to small businesses in seminal stages or experiencing social and financial obstacles. Services include financial assistance, educational and training, and technical assistance.
Hours: Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Note: Rates published on this website are subject to change by the child care and preschool centers. Please call for current rates.
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