Audubon Elem Childcare
Audubon Elem Childcare
- 1051 Hess Lane Louisville, KY - 40217
The school day at Audubon School begins at 9:40 AM, but we welcome students who arrive by car from 9:10 AM through the car rider line. As an institution, Audubon aims to represent a highly successful and ambitious environment that consistently strives for excellence. Our goal is to inspire every child to have self-assurance, take pride in their work, and demonstrate good character. Our vision is to equip Audubon students for middle school and onwards by building an engaging and versatile framework for ongoing learning. The core ethos of our Traditional Program elementary school is that all aspects of a child's development—physical, social, emotional, and intellectual—are equally crucial. The curriculum emphasizes fundamental skills instruction, with problem-solving, critical-thinking, and writing skills incorporated throughout. Our instructional methods are designed to ensure students not only gain knowledge and skills, but also nurture the propensity to put them into action.
County: Jefferson County
Students Age Range: School Age
Total Capacity: 100
State License Number: 358290
Note: Rates published on this website are subject to change by the child care and preschool centers. Please call for current rates.
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