Iowa ChildCare Preschool Centers
We have listed all of the childcare preschools that we have located in Des Moines, Iowa. Our list of childcare centers is by no means inclusive and is always growing. If you know of any childcare centers in Des Moines please help contribute by Adding a New Listing.
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808 5Th Ave
Des Moines, IA - 50309
(515) 246-3560
Scavo Campus 1800 Grand Avenue(515) 242-7589 - Scavo Campus
Des Moines, IA - 50309
(515) 242-7589;
1236 Oakridge Drive
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 244-7702;
1301 Second Avenue
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 242-7951;
River Place 2309 Euclid Avenue(515)
725-2600 - River Place
Des Moines, IA - 50310
644 24th Street (515) 280-5332 -
Des Moines, IA - 50312
(515) 280-5332;
801 Forest Avenue (515) 282-2193 -
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 282-2193;
1216 Martin Luther King Parkway
(515) 288-7884 -
Des Moines, IA - 50314
(515) 288-7884;
Des Moines, IA - 50305
1203 South East Hartford
Avenue (515) 244-2268 - Child Dev. Center
Des Moines, IA - 50315