The official site of provides a nationwide directory of child care centers and preschools. We provide as much detailed information as possible on our listings.

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What is special about


Educational Focus: Preschools are primarily educational institutions geared towards children, usually aged three to five years. They focus on introducing children to the structure and socialization of a school setting and preparing them for kindergarten.
Curriculum: Preschools often follow a specific curriculum or educational philosophy, like Montessori or Waldorf, and place a strong emphasis on early childhood education, cognitive and language development, and basic academic skills.
Schedule: They typically operate on a school-like schedule, often with set hours that mirror elementary school hours, and may close for holidays and summer breaks.

What is special about

Childcare Centers

Care Focus: Childcare centers, also known as daycare centers, provide care for children of various ages, from infants to school-aged children. Their primary function is to offer a safe and nurturing environment for children while their parents are at work or otherwise engaged.
Flexibility in Age and Hours: They cater to a broader age range and often have more flexible hours, including full-day care, to accommodate the schedules of working parents.
Educational Activities: While childcare centers also include educational activities, their curriculum may not be as structured or academically focused as preschools. The emphasis is more on play, social interaction, and basic learning.

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